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The Pathé experience

News 6 Mar 2023, 17:33

The Pathé experience

Experience spectacular, immersive, and surprising moments with the best innovations equipped in our theaters.


Pathé cinemas in Tunisia have partnered with the leader in stereoscopic technologies (3D). 3D innovations make visual displays more realistic, immersive, and attractive while reducing ghosting and image blurring.

Dolby Atmos:

Pathé cinemas in Tunisia offer you the best sound technologies to make your movie experience unforgettable.

Revolutionary sound

Experience a new cinema experience with Dolby Atmos, the latest audio technology developed to make you intensely live your movie at Pathé cinemas in Tunisia.

The immersive Dolby Atmos sound system multiplies the spatialization effects of sound, more precise and spectacular thanks to numerous speakers spread throughout the room in front, on the sides, and especially on the ceiling!

A true leap forward compared to surround sound, Dolby Atmos creates a stunning experience that takes advantage of the latest advances in Dolby's audio technology:

The enveloping sound creates a richer and more immersive sound experience that places the viewer at the heart of the action.

The precise placement and movement of sounds broadcast throughout the room, including above the head, literally bring the story to life.

Incredible sound quality that brings more clarity, depth, precision, and richness.

Each sound, whether powerful or muffled, loud or soft, precise or diffuse, has its own characteristics for a sound experience that closely matches reality.

The impeccable rendering of voices allows you not to miss a single dialogue and grasp the extent of the slightest intonation.

Did you know?

  • The symbolic bar of 1000 films released or announced in Dolby Atmos worldwide was crossed in 2019.
  • The first film released in Dolby Atmos was "Brave" by Pixar Studios in 2012.
  • Dolby Atmos uses up to 64 speakers, including some above the head, to create optimal immersion.
  • Thanks to Dolby Atmos, filmmakers can have up to 128 different audio objects in the same scene.

Laser projector

Pathé cinemas in Tunisia offer you for the first time in Tunisia and in the Pathé group 100% Laser as a projection technology.

Laser technology reproduces extremely sharp and highly contrasted images and guarantees constant distribution of brightness.

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